Financial Quotes

Financial Quotations

We live in challenging economic and financial times, and the lack of financial education has brought our society on the brink of disintegration. Learn what the rich and famous had to say about finance, money, debt and wealth and try to educate yourself financially.

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Author List

Alan Alda | Albert Camus | Apostle Paul | Aristotle | Benjamin Franklin | Bob Hope | Donald Trump | E.W. Howe | Frank Hubbard | George Bernard Shaw | George Eliot | Groucho Marx | H.L. Mencken | Henry Fielding | Henry Ford | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | Honore de Balzac | J. Paul Getty | Jane Austen | Joe Louis | Louis Agassiz | Mark Twain | Miguel de Cervantes | Milton Friedman | Napoleon Hill | Oscar Wilde | P. J. O'Rourke | Pablo Picasso | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Rita Rudner | Robert Graves | Robert Orben | Samuel Johnson | Sting | Thomas Fuller | Thomas Jefferson | Unknown | Voltaire | Warren Buffet | Wayne Newton | William Shakespeare | Woody Allen | Yogi Berra | hosted by

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